Targeted Selling Skills Workshops

Do you have a District meeting coming up? Do you have some less experienced sales representatives who could use some additional training and practice? Would you like to offer training, but don’t have time to create it yourself? Have you looked into “off the shelf” training programs, but find that they don’t apply to pharmaceutical and biotech sales? If so, our Targeted Selling Skills Workshops could be just what you’re looking for. We offer workshops, on everything from opening a sales call to running a dinner meeting, that are easy-to-use, adaptable to your situation and can be delivered by you with the help of our step-by-step Leader’s Guide that comes fully developed for each topic. The Leader’s Guide contains:

  • A timetable for the entire workshop and for each workshop activity
  • Specific instructions for conducting workshop activities
  • Suggested facilitator scripts for leading the workshop
  • An equipment, resources and materials list for each activity
  • Hard copies of all presentation slides and handouts used in the workshop
  • A compact disc containing all presentation slides used in the workshop
  • A master copy of all participant materials for you to copy and distribute
  • Exercises and activities that will get your team involved with the topic

Choose from any of the workshops listed below, and we’ll ship your Leader’s Guide out to you right away. Or, let us know about a topic you’re interested in, and we can create a program to meet your needs.


  • Territory Planning & Routing
  • Pre-Call Planning
  • Effective Openings
  • Probing Skills
  • Utilizing Relevant Features & Benefits
  • Overcoming Objections
  • Closing for a Commitment
  • Post-Call Analysis
  • Pharmacy Selling
  • Effective Use of Visual Aids
  • Managing Samples & Premium Items
  • Selling with Clinical Reprints
  • The Whole Office Call
  • Consultative Selling
  • Planning & Executing a Selling Event