Success Stories
Case Study #1

Client Problem: Growing biopharmaceutical company faced with resource constraints. Client was in the process of recruiting a new Sales Training Manager, and had recently filled several open field Sales Representative positions. Client needed to train the new Representatives, but did not have the internal resources to accomplish this.
Our solution
Targeted Performance Partners Solution: Created, planned and managed a two-week Sales Orientation Training program designed to meet the specific needs of the client. Our staff interacted with key members of the Sales & Marketing management team to ensure that all elements of the training session were appropriate and addressed the business needs and expectations of the company. Targeted Performance Partners made all necessary logistical arrangements, and provided management and direction to the client’s in-house facilitators. We also developed customized training curriculum focused on ensuring participants’ capability in the areas of product and disease state knowledge, selling skills, and strategic territory management. The session also included physician and content expert interaction, and an orientation to the client company.
Client Results: At the end of the two-week session, all Sales Representatives who participated in the session were fully knowledgeable of all training content as evidenced by scores achieved on session validation exams. All participants returned to their sales territories ready to immediately meet the client’s performance expectations. Client was able to overcome a lack of internal resources and meet their short-term training needs.
Case Study #2
Client Problem: A start-up pharmaceutical company with extensive R&D operations was investigating the creation of a commercial division. The client articulated a vision of the future Sales & Marketing team, but needed to create a plan that would provide a bridge from the current status of no commercial organization to a fully functional operation within a three-month period.
Our solution
Targeted Performance Partners Solution: Provided sales and marketing consulting services and created a Sales & Marketing Operations Plan. This plan for the start-up of the commercial operation included performing an in-depth training needs assessment, assisting with the development of an initial marketing strategy, and planning for the establishment of a Sales and Marketing management infrastructure.
Client Results: With the Sales & Marketing operations plan in place, the client undertook a process of assessing three strategic options with regard to the pending commercial business:
1. Hire a Sales & Marketing staff to launch the commercial operation.
2. Outsource specific responsibilities until market stabilization is achieved, and permanent employees could be brought on board.
3. Utilize a blend of full-time staff and outsourcing to achieve the desired results.
With the help of Targeted Performance Partners, the client was able to determine which functions would become permanent positions, and which would be outsourced to achieve the objective as effectively as possible. Additionally, the client utilized our plan as supporting documentation with senior-level executives to demonstrate the timeline and resources necessary to support the commercial business start-up.
Case Study #3
Client Problem: Small pharmaceutical company operating in a competitive market was planning to launch a new promotional campaign, and needed to roll out a new core message and sales aid to the sales force in a very short time frame.
Our solution
Targeted Performance Partners Solution: Designed National Sales Meeting workshop that ensured that all Sales Representatives gained an understanding of the rationale behind the new campaign, and were capable of effectively communicating the selling messages contained in the new sales aid. The workshop also included a competitive overview, competitive selling strategies and role play activities utilizing customized role play scenarios. Targeted Performance Partners also created and delivered a customized Train-the-Trainer session to prepare client’s own training staff to deliver the workshop to an audience of 400 Sales Representatives and Sales Managers. We also created a validation exam to be completed in the field, and a paper-based program reinforcing the key messages from the sales aid.
Client Results: Achieved effective knowledge transfer of new promotional campaign messages in support of client’s #1 priority product. Results were measured by participants’ validation exam achievement. Our Train-the-Trainer program allowed the client to effectively utilize their existing internal resources to meet a significant training challenge. Paper-based reinforcement program and validation exam enabled the client company to ensure a consistent message was being delivered by the entire sales force.