Success Stories

The Targeted Performance Partners trainer was well prepared and kept our group involved in the learning process. The trainer was great!

– Sales Representative

For our Train the Trainer session, the Targeted Performance Partners facilitator was knowledgeable of the material covered, and clearly and thoroughly explained everything we needed to know. As a result, my ability to facilitate the workshop was greatly enhanced.

– Field Sales Trainer

This course was very useful in everyday business calls and helped me realize what I need to work on. The trainer’s presentation style held my interest, and her explanation of content and answers to my questions were clear.

– Sales Representative

Targeted Performance Partners’ contribution to our business was greatly valued and was instrumental to the success of our team.

– Company President

Excellent course! It was customized to our sales force, very applicable and helpful. The trainer was well prepared and communicated ideas effectively.

– District Manager

Targeted Performance Partners created a National Sales Meeting Workshop for us. The Leader’s Guide and Participant Workbook were very helpful! They contained all the necessary information to achieve the objectives of the workshop. The Leader’s Guide was well written and well organized, and was helpful as a preparation tool and in the classroom.

– Field Sales Trainer

The Targeted Performance Partners trainers tied things together really well, and gave excellent positive feedback and feedback for improvement.

– Company President

As a result of our Train the Trainer session, I was well prepared to present the workshop material. It was well received by Managers and Reps. Thank you!

– Field Sales Trainer